Dr. Bartos talks about her experience in staffing an ICU during the Covid-19 pandemic.
"Staffing an ICU right now is a challenge. The ratio between patients and nurses is higher than usual to support the influx of the critically ill due to COVID-19. Nurses from different practice areas are coming into the ICU as helpers to the regular ICU staff or those nurses with previous ICU experience who may have gone on to practice elsewhere, are now being asked to return to care for COVID patients. Nurses, like Joanna Cambria who was celebrating her graduation from the Fairfield DNP nurse anesthesia program the week this picture was taken. Just a few years ago, she was my ICU orientee and now here we are, together again, caring for the most critical patients: not as instructors and students or mentors and preceptees or teachers and advanced practice anesthesia. Here we are, as nurses."