Your time at college shapes you, providing experiences that stay with you long after you leave campus.

We like to think that this is especially true for Fairfield alumni, who are known for staying connected with their fellow classmates years after graduation. One way they make this happen is by getting involved with the Alumni Association.

Comprised of a wide representation of Fairfield alumni — demographically, geographically, in occupation, and graduation year, the Association's Board of Directors work hand-in-hand with the University to represent their fellow alumni, serving as your voice on an array of University matters.

All Fairfield alumni automatically become members of the Alumni Association upon graduation. If you are interested in getting involved, or learning more about the work of the Association, contact President Joe Delaney Class of 2003, MBA’04, at

Our Mission Statement

Board of Directors

The Alumni Association Board of Directors establishes the overall strategic direction of the Alumni Association and provides support to the Office of Alumni Relations for the development of programs and services for alumni, parents, and friends.

Additionally, the Board provides governance by promoting, strengthening, and perpetuating relationships with, by, and among alumni and other members of the Fairfield University Community as well as related external communities.

Directors are elected to represent the membership of the Association and are expected to demonstrate proactivity in advancing volunteerism, contributions, and attendance at Fairfield University alumni events and other University activities, as well as encouraging alumni engagement with students and each other.

Interested in serving your University in a unique volunteer capacity? The Alumni Association's Board of Directors is currently seeking self and peer nominations for election to the Board for a three-year term.

To submit a nomination, please fill out and submit the online nomination form.

Please be sure to review the Roles and Responsibilities listed below before applying.

Those with questions about serving on the Alumni Association Board are invited to contact Megan Rajski at

2024-25 Alumni Association Board

Victoria Bee
Class of 2017, MA'18
Catherine (Auriana) Cadigan
Class of 2004, MBA'10
James Callow
Class of 1991, P'22, '25
Joe Delaney
Class of 2003, MBA'04
Kristen Edwards
Class of 2011
Mike Guarnieri
Class of 1984
Anthony Luongo
Class of 1996, MBA'03, P'24
Maureen Martin
Class of 1985
Regina McKay
Regina McKay
Class of 2012
Matt Monahan
Class of 1990
David Okenquist
David Okenquist
Class of 1999
Claudele Pierre
Class of 2014, MS'16
Ted Swiderski
Class of 2009
Brianna Tancredi
Class of 2017, MS'18
William Traester
Class of 1970
Greg Turner
Class of 2005
Carol Tusch
Class of 1983
Shari Williams
Class of 1993, MBA'00, P'25

Board Member Roles and Responsibilities

  • Serve a three-year term, renewable once, provided the member has fulfilled the expected responsibilities of the position
  • Be knowledgeable about the University’s current programs and future vision
    Serve as an ambassador for the Alumni Association and Fairfield University
  • Encourage attendance at University/Alumni events and personally attend a minimum of three events per semester
  • Attend and participate in all Alumni Association Board meetings and conference calls, actively contribute to the discussion of issues
  • Be personally responsible for transportation and lodging costs associated with Board meetings and event attendance
  • Support the University’s efforts to increase alumni participation
  • Make an annual gift to the University based on personal ability
  • Represent the Alumni Association positively and professionally at all times
    Identify, recruit, and involve other alumni, parents, and friends as University volunteers.


  • Serve as the chief executive officer of the Alumni Association and preside over all meetings of the Board of Directors.
  • Convene the full board, no less than 3 times a year
  • Distribute meeting agendas and supporting material in advance of full Board meetings.
  • Provide leadership to, and direct the activities of, the Board of
    Directors and the Alumni Association.
  • Communicate to the Board of Directors between and prior to scheduled meetings to keep the Board informed of all issues and/or general information that helps Board members in their roles.
  • Serve as the official representative of the Alumni Association on or at all applicable University committees and/or events or if unavailable, designate a representative Ensure Committee Chairs, Task Forces, and liaisons fulfill their stated responsibilities or designate another committee member to fulfill this role.
  • Hold monthly meetings with the Office of Alumni Relations.


  • In the absence of the President, the Present-Elect shall assume the responsibilities of the President


  • Assist the President and perform such duties as may be assigned by the President. In the absence of the President and President-Elect, will assume the duties of the President per the bylaws.


  • Responsible for ensuring minutes are prepared and distributed for Board of Directors meetings within two weeks of a meeting.
  • Responsible for maintaining a record of all actions, including votes, taken by the Board of Directors