Julianne L. Miller of Westbrook, Conn. honored with Margot Spit Memorial Scholarhip in Italian

Julianne L. Miller of Westbrook, Conn. honored with Margot Spit Memorial Scholarhip in Italian

Julianne L. Miller of Westbrook, Conn., is the recipient of the Margot Spit Memorial Scholarship in Italian, announced at Fairfield University's College of Arts & Sciences Awards Ceremony. Julianne, who studied this spring at the Fairfield University Campus in Florence, was not at the ceremony because she was in Italy taking her final exams.

The Scholarship is awarded to support a student who is studying in the Florence program and honors Margo Spit, who taught at the Lorenzo de'Medici Art Institute of Florence for many years.

Julianne, who is entering her junior year at Fairfield, is majoring in modern languages and literatures and plans to study in France next year, while continuing her study of Italian.

Posted On: 06-28-2001 09:06 AM

Volume: 33 Number: 267